...of dough figurine in Shenzhen: Molding a magnificent world...

Additionally, Zhang exhaustively researched and finally overcame the challenge of preserving dough figurines for a longer duration through a series of processing steps so a...

These problems can never be solved by individual countries, thus the proposal for a global partnership under the GDI will surely accelerate the implementation of the 2030 A...

coping well with globalforces that constantly challenge its growth path. Rapidurbanization and the emergence of a large middle classhave contributed to the region’s growth...

D) However, figuring out what a company is like before you actually work there can be a bit of a challenge. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to determine whether ...

"Ireally think this piece is an exceptional work of music, almost an hour long, exciting and quite a challenge for the dancers," Millepied continued. "The Philip Glass music carries so much atmosphere. But it is all about fine balance, emotional an...

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